WPNA’s initial priorities have been to initiate the restoration of Victoria Memorial Square and to develop urban design guidelines for Wellington Street, the spine of the community. This focus has now broadened and WPNA is now committed to working with our elected officials and City staff to ensure that all developers coming into the neighbourhood and all public initiatives respect its unique context and history and make a positive contribution to its rebirth as a vital downtown neighbourhood.
The Wellington Place Neighbourhood is undergoing extremely rapid change. Because of its location, historic character, design features and scale, and growing vibrancy with a broad mix of compatible uses, it has become one of the most popular newly rediscovered places to live work, and patronize local businesses in the city. This wave of reinvestment creates both opportunities and challenges.
Understanding that change is inevitable we want to work with it as a positive force. WPNA can act as a catalyst in generating a vision for Historic Wellington Place, and in facilitating its implementation. In this process it will raise awareness, build broad community and political support at all levels, assist in seeking funding for community efforts and in identifying opportunities to work in partnership with the City, other levels of government and the private sector, to revitalize, redesign and maintain the real and compelling qualities of this unique historic district.
We are working with the City to monitor all new development activity and create opportunities for the community to be involved at the earliest possible stage.
Looking to the future our concerns include:
- The scale and character of new buildings
- Appropriate new uses and activities
- Traffic and transportation issues
- Parking and servicing impacts
- Safety and policing issues
- Public realm improvements to streetscapes and parks and securing developer participation in implementing these improvements
- Providing a full range of community amenities to serve the growing neighbourhood