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Class Environmental Assessment Study

New North-South Watermain

The City of Toronto is planning to construct a new 1800mm diameter watermain that will run from the Wellington Street/Spadina Avenue intersection north to the Bernard Avenue/ Huron Street intersection. To determine the best route for the watermain, the City is undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment (EA).

Public Consultation is extremely important to the City and an integral part of any Class EA. Our public consultation program is designed so that people can learn about the project and comment on it before the final decision on a preferred route is made.

We wanted to provide the Niagara Neighbourhood Now advance notice of this project as construction of the watermain will affect parts of your community depending on the route chosen.

The City is holding the two Open Houses mentioned in the Notice to get people’s input on:

  • the features, uses and activities in your community that may be impacted by the
  • construction of the watermain,
  • possible routes,
  • criteria for evaluating the routes,
  • construction techniques, and
  • solutions to minimize construction impacts on your community.

Any comments we receive will be considered by the project team and documented in the final environmental assessment report.

Please contact me at 416-392-4312 or jweller@toronto.ca at any time if you have any questions, would like additional copies of the newsletter or wish to meet before the Open Houses to discuss the project.

Posted November 16, 2006 by Jennie Weller, Public Consultation Unit